Research & Software Development Services

Numerical Methods, Topology Optimization, Machine Learning, Computational Mechanics


Dr.-Ing. Mariusz Bujny

Company Owner

At NUMETO, we provide scientific research and software development services for business. We specialize in building prototypical solutions for complex problems by taking advantage of innovative combinations of machine learning, optimization methods, and computer simulation techniques in engineering, finance, medicine, and other disciplines.

Dr.-Ing. Mariusz Bujny, owner of NUMETO, brings more than 10 years of research and software development experience across various industries. As a recognized expert in topology optimization, evolutionary computation, and the practical applications of machine learning, he has played a pivotal role in leading international innovation projects alongside academic and industrial partners. Throughout his career, he has co-authored over 40 scientific papers, detailed in the publications section. At NUMETO, Dr. Bujny is dedicated to bridging the gap between fundamental research and real-world applications, leveraging his extensive academic and industry expertise to deliver tailored solutions for our clients.

Interested in our services? Please contact us:

Our Services

Core Competencies

drawing Computational Mechanics
drawing Medical Imaging
drawing Computational Finance
drawing Topology Optimization
drawing Evolutionary Algorithms
drawing Numerical Methods
drawing Software Development
drawing Machine Learning
drawing Data Analytics
drawing Applied Research
drawing Intellectual Property
drawing Scientific Writing

Selected Publications

  1. IJOC
    Identification of optimal topologies for crashworthiness with the evolutionary level set method
    Mariusz Bujny , Nikola Aulig , Markus Olhofer , and 1 more author
    International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2017
  2. SMO
    Topology Optimization of 3D-printed joints under crash loads using Evolutionary Algorithms
    Mariusz Bujny , Markus Olhofer , Nikola Aulig , and 1 more author
    Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021
  3. JMD
    Similarity-Driven Topology Optimization for Statics and Crash via Energy Scaling Method
    Muhammad Salman Yousaf , Duane Detwiler , Fabian Duddeck , and 4 more authors
    Journal of Mechanical Design, 2023